"I constantly tell myself: Ignore the blog. Do your work. You are an
enormous literary figure and cultural icon, not a mere "blogger." You
must produce high-end journalism with grand themes and huge groaning
multi-syllabic words like "eschatological," and you can't be dribbling
away all your ideas on the blog. Be strong! Resist the blog! (...) The
blog is hungry. The blog will not be ignored. It is an insatiable
little beast, a creature still unclassified by science -- hairy, warty,
slobbering, with its own fiendish agenda. I often fantasize about
killing the blog, but I worry that it will respond just like the crazed
computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey": It will try to kill me first."
(The Tail That Wags The Blog, Joel Achenbach, Washington Post)

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